Category Archives: spiderman

Koloss! Diabolico! Spinneman! De Wrekers!

Sometimes I find the English language doesn’t do a good enough job of conveying or emoting. A case in point is demonstrated below. 4 comic book titles translated for other territories. All are well known, iconic characters. All are better represented by their translated titles – check them out;

first up, the Spanish language translation of ‘Daredevil’.

This is a literal Dutch translation of ‘The Avengers’,

and the Dutch strike again, with ‘Spinneman’ aka Spiderman.

Finally, my favourite – the Swedish version of ‘The Incredible Hulk’, simply titled ‘Koloss’, defined by Websters as ‘colossus, jumbo, leviathan’.

Great comic book titles, all very evocative, more so than the English versions in my opinion.

All scans were courtesy of the great Grand Comic Book Database

Italian Spiderman (Good Guy), Japanese Spiderman (Good Guy), Turkish Spiderman (EVIL!!!!)

These are all on youtube – the first is a spoof ‘theatrical trailer’ for a ‘long lost’ Italian version of Spiderman from the 1960’s. All very tongue-in-cheek, but with a lot of humour and knowledge of the respective Countries film output and cinematic conventions.

Here is the blurb from the youtube entry;

Unearthed for the first time in 43 years and lovingly restored at Maxischermo Studios Milan, this rare theatrical trailer for the 1964 Italian classic ‘Italian Spiderman’ is a real treat. Featuring Franco Franchetti of ‘Mondo Sexo’ fame in his last ever role before being killed in a spear fishing accident in 1965. Director, Gianfranco Gatti, reminisces on ‘Italian Spiderman’; “I have made some mistakes in my
life…bad, bad mistakes”.


Wiki entry for Japanese Spiderman TV Show
Wiki entry for ‘3 Dev Adam’
Review (with clips) of ‘3 Dev Adam’