Category Archives: air

Comics: Anticipated titles of the week (18/03/2009)

Titles to look forward to this week;

Air #7 DC Comics
Punisher #3 Marvel Comics
Transmetropolitan #1 (Special Edition) DC Comics
Wolverine #71 Marvel Comics

The intriguing AIR #7 comes out this week at a very competitive price from DC, with a 22 page recap of the story up to that point, which should get a few more readers on board. I thought it started strongly enough, and issue 7 is certainly worth a go for the price. PUNISHER #3 (under the ‘Dark Reign’ banner) continues Rick Remender’s impressive start to his run on the title. DC are bringing out TRANSMETROPOLITAN # 1, as part of their ‘After Watchmen, what next?’ campaign. Read Warren Ellis’ views on that here. Finally, WOLVERINE #71 continues the very enjoyable ‘Old Man Logan’ storyline, which features an appearance of a Venom T-Rex…..